

2020-03 Programme Live!

Click each file on the right to launch each exercise within this month's programme.

This will give you plenty time to have a wee break between exercises and look out the relevant equipment you may have tucked away in a cupboard or drawer.

For each programme you will need a Powerhoop or similar and a couple of dumbells or similar weights.

hydration during a programme

Please ensure you have a full water bottle at the start of the programme, a towel and an exercise mat.

a word of caution

These on-line programmes have been uploaded for  experienced powerhoopers that used to attend our classes.

If you are unsure of how these operate or have never powerhooped before, advice can be found on the official powerhoop website.  Please follow this advice, especially limiting the time spent powerhooping to start with.

Please ensure you know what you are doing before entering into any of our programmes.

stay safe and only powerhoop in isolation

We hope to get back to class teaching in due course but for now have fun in the comfort of your lounge, diner, kitchen, bedroom or en-suite - as long as you and your powerhoop have plenty of space!