workout at home!
A new concept in fitness training from mgstudio fitness limited. Workouts beamed into your home for you to enjoy and workout to at your convenience.
featuring some of our most popular programmes
Choose from Powerhoop, Fatburn Extreme, Forever Yoga and our very own Vortex.
short blasts of awesome magnitude
The Powerhoop workout is the standard 45 minute class that we taught at our group fitness classes.
The Fatburn Extreme workout is the standard 30 minute class that we taught at our group fitness classes.
With our Forever Living resources and the F.I.T. programme, we can bring you a series of Yoga and other fitness programmes.
We have developed a new programme - Vortex (formerly known as puls8) - which combines a weighted bar, weights, benchexercise bands and floor exercises all to an upbeat soundtrack.
We have already rebranded and released the puls8 pilot and are hoping to add to the Vortex catalogue in the Summer of 2024.
Are you ready to take on the full force of Vortex?
hydration during a programme
Please ensure you have a full water bottle at the start of each programme, a towel and an exercise mat.
a word of caution
These on-line programmes have been uploaded for experienced members that used to attend our classes.
For all our programmes, check out each individual page for full details and please ensure you know what you are doing before entering into any of our programmes.
stay safe and have fun
Have fun in the comfort of your lounge, diner, kitchen, bedroom or en-suite - as long as you and your powerhoop have plenty of space!